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Forest Grove Youth Baseball and Junior Baseball Association

Forest Grove Youth Baseball and Junior Baseball Association

Evaluation Process

FGYB Evaluations 2024

Evaluations for 2024 will be Saturday, February 24th at Neil Armstrong Middle School (NAMS) Gym.  

Evaluation Times:  
Seniors (7th/8th Grade) "Check in 9:40 am" - Evaluations begin at 10:00am, end at 11:30am
Juniors (5th/6th Grade) "Check in 11:40 am" - Evaluations begin at 12:00pm, end at 1:30pm
Minors (3rd/4th Grade) "Check in 1:40 pm" - Evaluations begin at 2:00pm, end at 3:30pm

Evaluations are a process that allows our evaluators and coaches multiple looks at each ball player to make the most informed placement possible.  Our goal at FGYB is to have each of our youth playing at a level that is appropriate and most beneficial for the growth and development of each individual.  

All players who sign up will make a team.  There are 3 levels to play: National (instructional/competitive) American (competitive) Federal (highly competitive)

Below is a breakdown of how Evaluations work.  Also, see our "Dates to Remember" page for more details...

Evaluation Day:

This is our mass evaluation day that all ball players are evaluated on hitting, throwing, catching, fielding, and running.  This allows for a baseline of our placement process.  There is no coaching during the mass evaluation day.

Possible Federal/American "Call Backs
Sometimes players are "called back" by invitation only for further evaluation for the highest level of play (Federal).  Some will make the Fed level and others will play at the American level which is also a competitive level.  This is an as needed process. 

All Teams will be selected following our evaluation process.  Coaches will notify parents/players as to what team they are on and begin the communication for the season.  As always FGYB recommends teams to use Game Changer  ,for all team communication, practice & game schedules, scorekeeping, and much more!


Forest Grove Youth Baseball & Junior Baseball Association
PO Box 622 
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116

Email: [email protected]

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